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For the Next 7 Generations

Updated: Jan 29, 2022

We have forgotten about who we are and why we originally came to this Earth. We were meant to be the caretakers of our planet and live by the Laws of Love. Most of my generation were brought up with the "Golden Rule". Do unto others.... but most of us were not taught that "others" included Mother Nature!

During the late spring of 2019, I began to hear the sound of trees being cut in the forest behind my property. Since this continued all day for a month, I knew that they were logging and so I wanted to know the extent of the work. Over the next two months, I had conversations with the neighbor, the forester and spoke to the subcontractor who was doing the cutting. This was important to listen to them and gain a wider perspective. As a lover of nature and a tried and true "tree hugger" I was horrified, frightened, and concerned.

My first visit onto the logging site, I prayed a forgiveness prayer to the Nature Spirits and spoke to the trees that were tagged to be cut. I blessed the stumps that lay raw and bare remembering the book. "The Giving Tree." My personal experience and knowledge about cutting trees includes honoring their life, asking permission to cut them before taking action, expressing the intention for cutting them, and then witnessing the release of their energies. When this type of action is taken, there is agreement and harmony between man and nature.

When this permission is not given, or when there is the unconscious taking of life, there is shock and harm to the natural field of energy we know as Gaia or Mother Nature.

This prayer most likely helped me more than it did the forest, though I am sure that the Nature Spirits appreciated my love for them. Loggers have been cutting the forests without knowledge of our beautiful connection to all things. Most of us are not taught this interconnectedness of All Things. Some day, I truly believe this will change. In the meantime, the overnighting spirit of Trees is working hard to adjust to the unconscious behavior of mankind.

I asked my spirit guides what I could do and heard "for the next 7 generations". That message is a lot more clear to me now and realize that the work that I am doing on my property to create a new model for land conservation demonstrating the co-operative communication with Nature. I have been told by my inner guidance to "give the land back to itself". I am currently in the process of understanding what this means. I know it is a big part of my mission and why I was literally sent to this property to be its land steward.

A year later, I continue to observe the changes that Nature is making The property is very long and narrow, and was very challenging to log according to the subcontractor who I spoke with.

Nature is much greater than we can even imagine. She "recovers" Eventually the debris of the trees will become soil, the topes of the trees left behind in the woods provide shelter for animals and protects young saplings from deer who eat them.

When I first moved here from Connecticut three years ago, I attended a day long educational program given by the Cornell Extension Service at The Renselear Plateau. It was great for me to gain some perspective as to the logging practices. The foresters and County officials took us to an area that had been clear cut. Trees are growing back promising a healthy future forest.

My greatest concern for the world is our unconsciousness and an attitude that we "rule" this earth. Our "survival" consciousness must shift so we can fully receive the abundance that is always in plentiful supply. We need to educate the children and be examples of conscious co-creation with the Higher Realms of Light.

We have forgotten about who we are and why we originally came to this Earth. We were meant to be the caretakers of our planet and live by the Laws of Love. Most of my generation were brought up with the "Golden Rule". Do unto others.... but most of us were not taught that "others" included Mother Nature!

While I pray that the laws governing use of the land is done in harmony with Nature, my prayers extend to a much bigger picture of working towards Divine Government and Awakened Global / Unity Consciousness. This dream / mission may take 7 Generations to be put in place, or even longer but we must do our best to work together. We need to literally start "in our own backyards" and communities. .... one step at a time. Work local, think Global.

Everything begins within our sacred heart. May that heart continue to guide our way.

May we all continue to be inspired and do our part!

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