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The joy of creating Essence of Life

"Garden Deva" acrylic on canvas

This is the story of how my essence line came into being and the joy I feel when I create them. In particular, I can feel the beautifully vibrant nature spirits dancing together in a swirl of wondrous alchemy as they assemble in the bottle. The devas work harmoniously with each others to bring healing vibrations to the soul through the their electrical signatures. This blog is like a travel log of my experiences of the past few years that have resulted in my own line of high vibrational flower and energy essences.

I will be forever grateful that the nature spirits began to speak with me several years ago when I was living in Connecticut. Though I had learned how to make flower essences over 20 years ago, I had not been immersed in this work. One day while I was observing my garden, the deva of the brown - eyed susan plant spoke asking me to make an essence of her. I was surprised and thrilled! I took a moment and asked why I was being invited to make this essence. I was told that even though I had great experience in working with plant medicines in past lives, I had not done any work with the high vibrational essences. I was excited to begin!

That moment launched me into becoming a flower essence practitioner. Many wonderful experiences began to occur when I was in session with clients. The plant spirit would come into the room and let me know that it could help my client with their particular issue. I had the gift of listening, and proceeded to include flower essence therapy as part of my healing and counseling sessions, as guided. On some mornings, I would wake to the voice of a plant deva announcing, “Make an essence with me!” I ask them how they help and what their benefits are and in that way, create a direct relationship with the plant spirit. I am filled with joy when creating my flower essences and equal thrilled when they volunteer to assist my client work.

In 2015, when I was getting ready to leave Connecticut and move to upstate New York, I was guided to rebrand my collection under the label Essence of Life. ( they were originally labeled Elandra Essences). I received a brochure in the mail for a professional workshop with Flower Essence Services (FES) in California, and I knew I needed to go. Everything lined up for me to take that course right after I relocated to Greenwich, NY. It was a wonderful experience.... meeting people from all around the world and being taught by experts in the field! Patricia Kaminsky and her beloved husband, Richard, have been making flower essences for 40 years and are amazing teachers.

As soon as I got settled in my new home at Natures Gate, I created new gardens in the spring of 2016 and began to participate in clinical trials with the FES training I received in California. I was only using the FES and Bach Flower Essences that were sold by FES during that time which allowed me to focus my work on incorporating the training I received.

At the end of 2016, I made a huge decision to shift the focus of my work with clients using my Essence of Life collection. I gained a lot of insight through the FES clinical studies and client work, and been to apply that knowledge.I realized how important it was for me to work with the plant spirits that were growing on my property.... some cultivated from herbs and some growing wild in my lawns and woods.

Creating a flower essence is an intimate experience. I connect directly with the plant spirit, getting to know it through direct observation and telepathic communication. This brings a lot of joy and fulfillment to me and I am so blessed to be gifted with this ability to be in communion with nature. The creation of an essence is a wonder-fulled experience with all of the elements and directly with the essence of the plant or energy that I am called to create.

The Essence of Life Collection is a very unique line of essences offering individual flower essences as well as a potent line of energy essences. The first energy essence I was called to create was one given to me from Ascended Master El Moyra of the first Ray of Divine Will.

I had been counseling a young mother who had been chronically ill for a long time and felt that she was dying. She wanted to know how to tell her daughter that she may be dying. I knew that she was not going to die so soon and that she did not need to be concerned. Right after I spoke to her, El Moyra asked be to make an essence of the Divine Will energy and showed me to create the energy essence with the bloodstone crystal that I had in my possession. I made the essence, invoking the energies as shown and sent the mother the formula. I am happy to report that several years later, the mother is well, and that she indeed summoned the will to live and heal from a very long period of illness.

The Specialty Essences ~ updated

Since that time a few years ago, I began to expand my line of energy essences that include other Ascended Master essences, and powerful Portal essences that help with spiritual awakening. All of the essences, whether they are individual flower essences, or energy essences are created in a very special water matrix that is continually being updated. We are in the midst of the Shift of the Ages, and we receive daily downloads of energies from the cosmos. Whenever you use one of the individual flower essences, or one of the energy essences, you will receive the most up to date vibrational aspects that support your growth through this vitalized water matrix.

When I am working with clients, or customers interested in the Essence of Life Collection, a combination of plant spirits and energy essence come together to create a particular alchemical blend. I offer essence consultations to help you choose the right formula for you.

My first Energy Essence

When I first moved to upstate New York, I was guided to make a day essence. I had never heard of such a thing, but I understood it. Years ago I studied with Maya Mam Ajq’ij, indigineous lineage carriers from Guatemala. I learned how to align with the energies of the day through their Traditional Kan Ku teachings using the Sacred Human Calendar of 260 days. As I was preparing to do my morning yoga and meditation practice outside, I received the guidance to create an essence of the day. That day was 13 Tijax. Its energy helps people heal deeply buried wounds at the core level. I spread out my sacred pouch with the stones and crystals and went to work with the essence ceremony. It is a very powerful ally and I offer it to people who have a first occurrence of Limes is effective when first bit by the tick. I used it when I contracted Lymes Disease in 2018 and it went directly to the core issue of fear working wonders! Trauma Relief combines Cardinal Flower, Green Rose and the Eclipse Energy essence. This formula came to me when a dear friend was looking for an essence for her clients with post traumatic stress disorder. I had always wanted to create my own version of the well know Bach Rescue Remedy and this unique blend of flower and energy essences came together as an answer to that dream.

This has been a long blog, and I appreciate those of you who make it all the way through these jottings. I am coming “out of the closet” so to speak and feel that it is really amazing to be here during this time in our evolution. We can no longer be in hiding. We all need to stand in our power, own our gifts and share them with others….even if that means simply to smile at strangers and see the beloved in their eyes. I hope that my stories help empower you to follow your true path and share yourself unconditionally with the world.

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